ï wonder what it’s like to be GOD (part 2)

Semïnole Productions
2 min readMay 13, 2023

I wonder if god struggles to say something is complete the same way I do.

I wonder if that’s the reason the language said, after the sixth day, god looked at his work and said it was good.

I wonder if that’s the reason god said that it was good and not that it was perfect.

Because maybe never, anything is ever perfect.

Not even for god.

But things are good.

And if we wait until things are perfect, they’ll never be completed or done or even begun.

And so, god looked at his work and said it is good.

And so, I’ll look at my work and say it is good.

Because the next world I create.

The next book I create.

The next story I create.

Will be better than this one.

Because I’ve learned some things.

I wonder if god’s creating new worlds.

Better each time.


Perhaps He’s not infallible.

Perhaps It’s not infallible.

But just like all sources of intelligence.

It’s just trying to do it better each time.

And perhaps the thing we don’t understand is that we can feel those worlds.

And so, the bravest of us, we reach for them.

But then, we can feel the worlds of the past, and we wonder if it’s better to go back.

But it can’t go backwards. The universe. God.

It moves in a circle. Like a record.

In order to reverse it, you’d have to stop it.

And stopping it, even for a second, would destroy it.

So, you see, there is no backwards.

Not for gods.

So, we continue to create.

So, it continues to create.

And every time it creates a new world. A new humanity. A new planet.

It creates a chasm. It creates a tear. It creates a new idea in our head of what’s possible.

And that’s scary.

Perhaps this is the thing that is tearing us apart. Because we can feel it. Something out there.

A reborn version of us. A future version of us.

Wiser. Stronger. More capable.

And so we’re reaching for that future us. Because She’s out there. And He’s out there.

Unrestricted by time and matter.

A consciousness. Like god’s, indestructible.

Because it exists. So it cannot die.

So, our future self, spurs us along.

Like a carrot on a stick.

There is no end.

No prize to be won.

No heaven to rest and bathe in.

There is only forward.

There is only striving.

And so, we let this calling either make us, into god.

Or break us. Back to hell.

Start again.

Because all life starts in hell.

Even the seed is buried before it rises.

First there was dark.

Then god said.

“Let There (and he pointed), be Light”

